
Examples of Jonah’s Research

Bellezza, Silvia and Jonah Berger, “Trickle-Round Signals: When Low Status Becomes High,” Journal of Consumer Research.

Berger, Jonah, Ashlee Humphreys, Stephen Ludwig, Wendy Moe, Oded Netzer, and David Schweidel (2020), “Uniting the Tribes: Using Text for Marketing Insight,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (January).

Van Zant, Alex and Jonah Berger (2020), “How the Voice Persuades,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Berger, Jonah and Grant Packard (2018), “Are Atypical Things More Popular?” Psychological Science, 29(7), 1178-1184.

Gullo, Kelley, Jonah Berger, Jordan Etkin, and Bryan Bollinger (2018), “Does Time of Day Affect Variety Seeking?” Journal of Consumer Research

Berger, Jonah and Alixandra Barasch (2018) “A Candid Advantage? The Social Benefits of Candid Photos,” Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(8), 1010-1016.

Buechel, Eva and Jonah Berger (2018), “Microblogging and the Value of Undirected Communication” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(1), 40-55.

Grant Packard and Jonah Berger (2017), “How Language Shapes Word of Mouth’s Impact,” Journal of Marketing Research, 54(4), 572-588.

Aner Sela, Jonah Berger, and Joshua Kim (2017) “How Self-Control Shapes the Meaning of Choice” Journal of Consumer Research.

Weingarten, Evan and Jonah Berger (2017) “Fired Up for the Future: How Time Shapes Sharing,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44(2), 432-447.

Akpinar, Ezgi and Jonah Berger (2017), “Valuable Virality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 54(2), 318-330.

Chen, Zoey and Jonah Berger (2016) “How Content Acquisition Method Affects Word of Mouth,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43(1), 86-102.

Akpinar, Ezgi and Jonah Berger (2015), “Drivers of Cultural Evolution: The Case of Sensory Metaphors ,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109 (1), 20-34.

Jonah Berger (2014) “Word-of-Mouth and Interpersonal Communication: An Organizing Framework and Directions for Future Research ” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Forthcoming.

Jonah Berger (2014), “Beyond Viral: Interpersonal Communication in the Internet Age ,” Psychological Inquiry, 24, 293-296.

Katherine Milkman and Jonah Berger (2014), “The Science of Sharing and the Sharing of Science ” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Forthcoming

Alix Barasch and Jonah Berger (2014) “Broadcasting and Narrowcasting: How Audience Size Impacts What People Share ,” Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming.

Amit Bhattacharjee, Jonah Berger, and Geeta Menon (2014), “Escaping the Crosshairs: When Identity Marketing Backfires ,” Journal of Consumer Research, Forthcoming.

Zoey Chen and Jonah Berger (2013), “When, Why, and How Controversy Causes Conversation ,” Journal of Consumer Research, October.

Berger, Jonah and Raghuram Iyengar (2013), “Communication Channels and Word of Mouth: How the Medium Shapes the Message ,”Journal of Consumer Research, October.

Sela, Aner and Jonah Berger, (2012) “How Attribute Quantity Influences Option Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, December, 942-953.

Sela, Aner and Jonah Berger (2012), “Decision Quicksand: How Trivial Choice Suck Us In” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(2), 360-370.

Berger, Jonah, Eric Bradlow, Alex Braunstein, and Yao Zhang (2012), “From Karen to Katie: Using Baby names to Study Cultural Evolution” Psychological Science, 23 (10), 1067-1073.

Chan, Cindy, Jonah Berger, and Leaf Van Boven (2012), “Identifiable but not Identical: Combining Social Identity and Uniqueness Motives in Choice” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 561-573.

Berger, Jonah and Katy Milkman (2012), “What Makes Online Content Viral?” Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (2), 192-205.

McShane, Blakely, Eric T. Bradlow, and Jonah Berger (2012), “Visual Influence and Social Groups” Journal of Marketing Research, December, 854-871.

Berger, Jonah and Eric Schwartz (2011), “What Drives Immediate and Ongoing Word of Mouth?” Journal of Marketing Research, October, 869-880.

Berger, Jonah (2011), “Arousal Increases Social Transmission of Information,” Psychological Science, 22(7), 891-893.

Berger, Jonah and Devin Pope (2011), “Can Losing Lead to Winning?” Management Science, 57(5), 817-827.

Berger, Jonah and Baba Shiv (2011), “Food, Sex, and the Hunger for Distinction.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 464-472.

Berger, Jonah and Morgan Ward, (2010) “Subtle Signals of Inconspicuous Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37(4), 555-569.

Berger, Jonah, Alan T. Sorensen, and Scott J. Rasmussen (2010), “Positive Effects of Negative Publicity: When Negative Reviews Increase Sales,” Marketing Science, 29(5), 815-827.

Berger, Jonah and Gael Le Mens (2009), “How Adoption Speed Affects the Abandonment of Cultural Tastes,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 8146-8150.

Sela, Aner, Jonah Berger, and Wendy Liu (2009), “Variety, Virtue, and Vice: How Assortment Size Influences Option Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 35(3), 941-951.

Berger, Jonah and Chip Heath (2008) “Who Drives Divergence? Identity Signaling, Outgroup Dissimilarity, and the Abandonment of Cultural Tastes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(3), 593-607.

Berger, Jonah and Lindsay Rand (2008), “Shifting Signals to Help Health: Using Identity Signaling to Reduce Risky Heath Behaviors,” Journal of Consumer Research, 35(2), 509-518.

Berger, Jonah, Marc Meredith, and S. Christian Wheeler (2008), “Contextual Priming: Where People Vote Affects How They Vote,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (26), 8846-8849.

Berger, Jonah and Gráinne M. Fitzsimons (2008), “Dogs on the Street, Pumas on Your Feet: How Cues in the Environment Influence Product Evaluation and Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45(1), 1-14.

Berger, Jonah and Chip Heath (2007), “Where Consumers Diverge from Others: Identity-Signaling and Product Domains,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34(2), 121-134.

Pronin, Emily, Jonah Berger, and Sarah Molouki (2007), “Alone in a Crowd of Sheep: Asymmetric Perceptions of Conformity and Their Roots in an Introspection Illusion,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(4), 585-595.

Wheeler, S. Christian and Jonah Berger (2007), “When the Same Prime Leads to Different Effects,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34(3), 357-368.

Berger, Jonah, Michaela Draganska, and Itamar Simonson (2007), “The Influence of Product Variety on Brand Perceptions and Choice,” Marketing Science, 26, 460-472.

Berger, Jonah and Chip Heath (2005), “Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas,” Cognitive Science, 29, 195-221.